Freelance Writer

Meghan Bauer ND is a freelance Health and Science writer with an interest in the intestinal microbiome, the health impact of stress and inflammation, women's health, mind-body connections, mental health and evidence based preventative health measures.

Health and Science Writer

Meghan is passionate about health and science writing. She brings her unique perspective as a Naturopathic Dr. with a background in Biology and the Social Studies of Medicine to her work. Meghan is evidence based in her approach and aims to write clear and informed content about what’s new and relevant in the world of health, science and medicine.

Meghan is particularly interested in our intestinal microbiome and how it is intricately woven in to most areas of our health and wellness. Meghan enjoys writing about and staying up to date in the areas of women’s health, oncology, mind-body connections, mental health, the relationship between stress and our health, inflammation and overall preventative health strategies worth adopting.

Please contact Meghan directly for writing inquiries. Follow her on Twitter for up to date coverage and interest projects.

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